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Korea Environment Corparation

Management Disclosure

Vehicle and Engines Certification Test
K-eco green car

Together with Vehicle Environment Certification Team to create clean vehicle environment.

We inspect emission & noise certification test to check emission & noise standard from their manufactured vehicle. Also, We provide simplified environment service by issuing the omitted certification in the vehicle environment field.

Establishment and operation of public disclosure system

Overview list
Certification Test Omission of certification
Noise and exhaust gas certification tests of individual cars and individual prime movers(construction machinery, agricultural machinery)were conducted to check whether domestic noise standards and exhaust gas standards were exceeded. Reduces the time and cost of certification by issuing a certificate that simplifies the certification process,such as omitting certification tests for vehicles specified by relevant laws and regulations.
  • ※ Classification of imported vehicle certification test
Classification of imported vehicle certification test list
Division A formal imported car Imported individual cars
Certification Type Certification Omission of certification
Certificate Issuer Ministry of Environment Korea Environment Corporation
Importer Car maker(BMW Korea, Honda Korea, etc.) Non-car manufacturer(Individual importer or individual)
What to check for Certification Kind by vehicle Inspection of vehicles(If the legal requirement is satisfied, sampling inspection can be carried out on the number specified by laws and ordinances)
Related Laws
Related Laws list
Division Exhaust gas Noise

• Provision of the Ministry of Environment notification No. 2021-28 on manufacturing Vehicle certification and inspection methods and procedures

• Provision of the Ministry of Environment Notification No. 020-150 on Manufacture Vehicle Test Inspection and Procedures

Automotive/ Motorcycle

• Article 48 of CLEAN AIR CONSERVATION ACT (Certification of Manufactured Motor Vehicles)

• Article 50 of CLEAN AIR CONSERVATION ACT (Inspections of Permissible Emission Levels for Manufactured Motor Vehicles)

• Article 47 of Enforcement Decree Of The Clean Air Conservation Act (Motor Vehicles Eligible for Exemption from or Omission of Certification)

• Article 31 of Noise And Vibration Control Act (Authentication of Manufactured Cars)

• Article 33 of Noise And Vibration Control Act (Inspection on Noises of Manufactured Cars)

• Article 5 of Enforcement Decree Of Noise And Vibration Control Act (Automobiles Exempted or Omitted from Authentication)

Agriculture/ construction machinery

• Ministry of Environment notification No. 2020-213 Regulations on methods and procedures for certification and inspection of agricultural machinery prime movers

• Ministry of the Environment Notice No. 2021-207 Regulations on the methods and procedures for certification and inspection of construction machinery prime movers

• Not applicable (Agricultural machinery and construction machinery are not subject to noise regulations)

Establishment and operation of public disclosure system

  • Test procedures are open to civil service waiting room to conduct transparent and fair certification test
  • To provide credible test results to complainants and to improve the satisfaction of complaints handling
Open Systems
Certification test laboratory

Certification test laboratory

Certification test laboratory

Certification test laboratory