Korea Environment Corparation
Management Disclosure
Optimization of Waste Treatment Facility

Optimization of Waste Treatment Facility
Technical support and review is performed to establish inducement of expansion of optimized and systematic waste treatment facility and establishment of ‘Local Government’s Waste Treatment Basic Plan’. This is done by providing financial and technical support for local government’s waste treatment business.
Support nature
- Technical support and review during the entire course of national subsidy regarding installation program of waste treatment basic plan and waste treatment facility
- Entire course of national subsidy program about installation of local government’s waste treatment basic plan and waste treatment facility(organize-issue-execute-account), technical support and review for management
- Establishing integrated management for efficient operation of waste treatment facility
- Efficient operation of local government’s waste treatment facility, establishing integrated management system for appropriate follow up management by introducing and operating’ plementation evaluation system for waste treatment and treatment facility optimization.
Roll of K-eco
- Review and technical support for Basic plan of Waste Treatment
- Support for optimization of waste treatment facilities etc.