Korea Environment Corparation
Management Disclosure
CleanSYS, Stack Tele-Monitoring System
Introduction of real time air pollution monitoring system, CleanSYS
CleanSYS is a monitoring system that measures and manages the air pollutants emitted from stack in real time using automatic stack measuring device that connect to k-eco contronl centers by online.
Purpose of CleanSYS
- Promotion of sience-based environmental administration by being utilized as basic data of air environment policy making
- Improvement of the local air environment through the prevention of air pollutant emissions
Target Facilities
- Power plant, Boiler, Incinerator and 1st ~ 3rd class large-scale air pollutant emission facilities.

Monitoring Items
- Pollutant items (7 targets)
- Dust, Sulfur oxide (SOx), Nitrogen oxide (NOx), Hydrogen chloride (HCl), Hydrogen fluoride (HF), Ammonia (NH₃), Carbon monoxide (CO)
- Non-pollutant items (3 targets)
- Flow, Temperature, Oxygen(O₂)
CleanSYS Operating System
- Sorce Operator
- Installation and operation of measuring devices
- Transmission of measurement data
- Compliance with the Emission Limit Value(ELV)
- K-eco Contronl Center
- Checking the appropriateness of measuring devices
- Collection
- Administrative Institutes(Ministry of Environment / Local government)
CleanSYS system chart

Alerting and Warning system
- If the emission is near to the Emission Limit Value or over it, source operator and local government are informed immediately through SNS to take proper action
Remote check function
- If CleanSYS control center orders remote check(online remote reliability check), sample test gas(zero/span) is infected into the measuring device automatically. It helps to check reliability of on-site measuring device remotely.